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We have a small selection of equipment available for rent. Our touring skis are mounted with Kingpin touring bindings as well as a few pair mounted with dynafit tech bindings. 

We do have Scarpa Freedome touring boots available for rent in case of emergency. We do not rent boots for our ski touring programs and ask guests to bring their own boots (please do not bring new boots, make sure you have worn them a few times). Please contact us if you require boots (your luggage is lost or your boot is broken).

Guests are required to fill out our Rental Equipment form.  Payment for rental gear can be arranged prior to pick up through a credit card payment link, or at the time of pickup.


SKI PACKAGE (includes skis, skins, ski crampons and poles)

We carry Völkl Rise Beyond 96mm skis in 156, 163, 170, 177 and 184 lengths.

  • 1 Day    - 13,500 ISK
  • 2 Days - 21,000 ISK
  • 3 Days - 28,500 ISK
  • 4 Days - 36,00 ISK
  • 5 Days - 42,500 ISK
  • 6 Days - 47,500 ISK
  • 7 Days - 52,500 ISK


*We highly recommend using your own ski boots for the sake of comfort. We do have Scarpa Freedom touring boots available for rent in case of emergencies (lost/delayed luggage, broken boots etc..)

  • 1 Day - 7,500 ISK
  • 2 Days - 12,500 ISK
  • 3 Days - 17,500 ISK
  • 4 Days- 21,900 ISK
  • 5 Days- 25,900
  • 6 Days- 29,500


Avalanche Package (Includes transceiver, shovel and probe)*
We DO NOT have avalanche airbags available for rent.

  • 1 Day -  7,500 ISK 
  • 2 Days - 10,500 ISK
  • 3 Days - 13,500 ISK
  • 4 Days - 16,500 ISK
  • 5 Days - 19,000 ISK
  • 6 Days - 21,500 ISK

Single Items (rent per day)

  • Avalanche Probe:   1,500 ISK 
  • Avalanche shovel:  1,500 ISK
  • Avalanche Transceiver - Pieps DSP:  4,500 ISK

Guests on Bergmenn Ski Touring programs receive a 15% discount on above prices
FULL PACKAGE RENTAL (skis, boots, and avalanche equipment): 25,500/day 
FULL PACKAGE RENTAL BERGMENN GUIDES (skis, boots, and avalanche equipment): 22,950/day